Monday, April 20, 2009

Going home

This weekend I had a quick visit in my old hometown. To spend some time with my mom, my little brother and my old friends from "tha hood" :)

Had a great time, and it was really fun to catch up with old friends, even tho time wasnt enough to hook up with all of those I would have liked too.

Saturday was devoted to training tho. I knew there was some people training in my home town and neighbour town. So I got in touch with a guy from the neighbour town, and we agreed to meet up and train, and try to get some more people to join in.

In the end, only one more came.. But it was still great fun. They showed me around on some of the spots they have spent their years on, and I managed to get some new challenges and beat some newly arrived challenges. Was alot of fun!

We spent all day training, and my body felt pretty sore when I got back to my moms later in the evening! We started out at 12 pm, with some warming up. Then we ended the day around 7 pm, with a short break in the middle for food. Was pretty intense, but was really fun. I learned so much, and I did alot of new stuff. Was really great.

I got a daysampler put together aswell. I managed to forget to use my camera most of the day, but I got a few shots atleast. :)

Also, on sunday when I was going home. I knew that the people in Uppsala had the regulary sunday training, so I hooked up with them as I had to wait for my bus there for 50 minutes. So I manged to get a good 20 minutes or so training with them aswell.

Showed me some really sweet spots we will probably return to this coming sunday when we will have small jam with some people from Stockholm coming aswell. Will be awsome im sure!

Anyway. Now I need to grab something to eat. Take care!

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